
Kuriza: Son of an Overlord 3

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Planet Korzon's sun shone brightly, nearly blinding Kuriza as he stepped off of the ship with his father by his side. The young alien glowered as he raised his left hand to shade his eyes. Kuriza was already annoyed with the planet before he even got the chance to speak with its inhabitants. Glancing over at his father, it was apparent that Frieza was also displeased with the world's location near its sun.

Frieza shielded his eyes and looked down upon his child. "Remind me to destroy that meddling ball of gas after our conquest." The dark tyrant demanded more than asked. Though Kuriza knew that by his father's tone of voice, he was only saying that and did not mean it literally.

Kuriza nodded, disgruntled that he had to deal with the annoying rays of light shining in his face. Both Icejins had to ignore that however, for they both had to enter the capital city of the planet Korzon. The entire planet is a jungle. Luckily for the evil aliens, they landed in front of the capital city's entrance. Though it wasn't luck as much as it was just strict orders. Death threats if you will.

Frieza and his son, both in their first forms, strode into the city. Now shaded by the anti-UV ray dome above the city's atmosphere, Frieza and Kuriza lowered their hands. Of course Frieza's men, for protection, accompanied them. Not that they really needed any protection. The carapaced duo was more than enough for anyone. Kuriza glanced around at his surroundings as he and his father passed many markets and booths. The lad eyed everything and everyone in the area like they were the strangest things he had ever seen. The people were like humans except with dog features. It was difficult to see them from his distance. Kuriza had every right to look at everything like it was strange for this was the first time on any kind of planet. He never even visited his own.

Frieza noted his offspring's curiosity and tilted his head over to whisper. "This planet isn't as high tech as ours. Overthrowing this primitive rock will be no challenge." The mighty lord chuckled deviously, putting his hands behind his back as they both reached the main building.

Frieza and Kuriza stopped in front of the tremendously huge doors. The smaller form of Frieza was shocked at the entrance's size. Was it even possible to open this sort of entrance?

Frieza once again saw his son's reaction and stifled a snicker by holding his index finger to his mouth. The evil dictator then turned towards one of his soldiers, a tall but big nosed alien with yellow, scaly skin and a curly chameleon-like tail. Frieza glared at his soldier. "Open the door."

The lizard-looking man bowed quickly, his voice sounded incredibly scratchy. "Yes Lord Frieza!" Off the underling went in front of the massive twin doors. Kuriza rolled his eyes. How could a weak goon open a skyscraper of a door?

The yellow alien placed two hands onto the door and stared at it like it had just killed his whole family. Kuriza instinctively picked up his father's traits and sneered behind his pointer finger. It was an amusing thought to Kuriza. Having to witness the death of an entire family. Yet, there was something that didn't feel right about any of this… Kuriza shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. There's no need to bring up his old self. Not ever. A white light suddenly blinded Kuriza, shaking him out of his reverie. Was the sun crashing down upon him?

The light faded, giving Kuriza, his father and the other men the ability to see again. The young alien gradually opened his eyes to see the scaly soldier stand in front of a scorched gaping hole that used to be double doors. The smiling soldier saluted Frieza. "Door diminished sir!"

The almighty Frieza raised an eyebrow, as did Kuriza. They didn't quite expect him to blow a hole through anything… yet. Clearing his throat, Frieza regained his poise and elegantly entered the building, via hole. Kuriza mimicked his father as usual and strode into the building the same way. Frieza's men however, came stumbling through the massive hole like they were tipsy. If Frieza saw such idiocy, surely he would have blown them all to oblivion, luckily he wasn't behind them to witness their stupidity so his men were safe.

Kuriza looked straight forward, following his dad into a never-ending room with what looked like had gold wallpaper. He couldn't see past his biological parent but he guessed that Korzon's ruler was straight ahead of them. Perhaps it was the excitement that made Kuriza's muscles feel so heavy as he walked down the red velvety carpet. It was unbeknownst to him that the feeling was actually of uncertainty, a feeling that he had long abandoned only a month ago.

Finally Frieza had stopped, reaching the opposite end of the building. Kuriza serenely inched next to his father, feeling proud of himself because he was conquering a world with his dad. This would be Kuriza's first raid. It was then that Kuriza noticed a dog-like person seated in a jewel-enriched throne. It looked just like a human but with blonde fur, a curled tail and a dog's head. Its anatomy was of a human, which made Kuriza curious about its race. Then again, after him and his dad are through with this planet, it won't really matter anymore.

The man-dog wearing gray armor with a blue cape pushed himself up from his seat. He was growling at Frieza, which made the cold alien sneer. Without warning, Frieza flicked the blonde-furred creature on the nose. The man-beast yelped and grabbed a hold of his snout.

"Stop acting like an animal." Frieza mocked. Kuriza couldn't hold back his giggling after that one so to quiet himself down he placed his hands over his ebony lips. Thankfully no sound emitted from them.

The soldiers from before stormed up behind Freiza and his son. They were obviously dim witted. Over the past month, Kuriza and his father have been connecting by making fun of the low class soldiers. Which was all the time. The soldiers were out of breath due to the long run. Frieza ignored their incompetence however and continued to amuse himself with the dog man.

"How dare you!" The canine growled, rubbing his nose and glaring at Frieza and his son.

"You thought that was bad?" Frieza's tail swayed playfully as he cackled. "Just wait until I take over your planet."

"W-what?" The animal looking alien flinched.

"Goodbye." Frieza said politely as he charge up a death beam and shot it through the creature's heart.

The beast fell to his knees, coughed up some blood and then finally collapsed which concluded his death. Kuriza didn't know it, but his eyes widened in appall.

Frieza waved his hand in the air and spoke in a casual manner, looking rather bored. "Take the treasure and let's go. You men should know the routine by now."

"Of course we do!" They all yelled out as they rushed to the back of the canine man's throne. The sound of a door opening a closing was heard, inquiring that the soldiers were in a room somewhere.

Frieza grabbed Kuriza's shoulder, half startling him. "Let's go now."

Kuriza gave his father a puzzled stare as the two of them started to exit the building. "But what about your men? If we leave them here then they'll die along with the planet."

"I know." Frieza stated plainly.

The red and white alien stared up at his father for a few moments, overcome by surprise. Was his dad really going to let his men die? Kuriza stiffened his lip and straightened his posture. Of course! Who cares? But then something else occurred to Kuriza. What about the treasures?

"Papa, what about the wealth still on this world? Are you going to let it all go to waste?" Kuriza asked his father as they neared the ship.

Frieza snickered and glanced over towards his son. "Very observant of you, Kuriza. However the jewels on that throne were fake. Artificial. As for everything else here, to hell with it. This planet's money is almost as worthless as the planet it was created on."

Kuriza smiled crookedly as he nodded in agreement. The two Icejins then reached the ship and boarded it. Within minutes, the spacecraft took off and hovered around in Korzon's orbit. Frieza and Kuriza stood in front of the ship's control panel. This is the first time that Kuriza has ever entered the control room. To him, it was very awesome.

Frieza chuckled and placed his pointer finger over a violet colored button, a glass of wine being twirled in his other hand. "I wonder if those fools have discovered my absence. But now," Frieza pushed the button and it started to flash. A giant laser coming out of the ship's hull caused the ship to start shaking lightly. Kuriza and his father stood their ground. The tremor was not big enough to knock them over. Frieza started to chuckle with a dark tone. "It doesn't matter anymore." He then took a sip of his alcoholic beverage, enjoying it almost as much as the pleasure he would get by the light show that was yet to come.

The beam from the laser started to charge up. Kuriza looked outside of the main window to see planet Korzon's lush green landscapes. He had to admit that it seemed somewhat relaxing. The boy was once again disturbed from his reverie as the charged laser fired into Korzon's core.

Kuriza scowled, thinking that it would have been nice to have had a vacation on that planet. His scorn melted away however when his dad placed one hand on his head as he swirled his glass of wine with the other. "Congratulations my son, you've conquered your first planet. Well… technically destroyed your first planet. Hm hm hm hmm."

The Icejin child smirked at his dad's praise. This was a rare occasion for him because he was always used to his dad nagging about his lack of self-confidence and how he needed to learn a thing or two about the art of domination. Well now he was making his papa proud. From this, Kuriza felt warm and ecstatic. But as Kuriza and his father blissfully watched the planet's demise, he felt a tiny wave of sorrow. Something that his old self would have felt more immensely.
Chapter 3! I hope you guys like how the story is turning out. =)

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DevilAntRat's avatar
if he was curious about their race he should have asked his father to take a couple, but well maybe Icejins don't know Zoos and he couldn't have possibly though about it